Cancellation Policy

In Case of Inclement Weather or Emergency Situations

(Rev. 05/25/16)

The Venues encourages individuals and families to rely on their own best judgment when conditions such as inclement weather, dangerous road conditions, or other emergency situations could put their health and safety at risk by attending gatherings or events.

Children and Youth Events (Birth through 12th Grade) 

Events for children and youth that are scheduled during the week will be cancelled when Springfield Public Schools have been cancelled. 

For outdoor activities with Students Venue (6th-12th Grade), please see our Facebook page for an update on rain or snow inclined cancellations. You can also contact Amy Crawford.

Meetings and Other Events

Meetings and events will be cancelled at the discretion of the leader in charge of the meeting or event.  The leader will notify participants.


Services will be cancelled at the determination of the Lead Teaching Pastor in consultation with the Executive Director.  The decision will be made at least two hours prior to the beginning of service and communicated as quickly as possible through a variety of communication channels, including:



            Email Blasts

            Mass Texts

            Personal Calls (Call Tree)

            KY3 Cancellations List