
We’re so thankful you joined us on Sunday! The form to get your free coffee is at the bottom of this page.

Once you fill it out, please allow us 24 hours to process the request and get the gift card back to you.

We know that some people need some space when it comes to faith and religion, while others want to jump in and meet other people who are on this journey. If you need space right now, please know that we will never be pushy or make you volunteer. Sometimes we all need that place to heal. But if you’re looking for a way to connect with others, there are TWO ways we’d probably suggest:

  1. More Than: Sometimes we all need time to process, that's why we have More Than at 6:30 on Thursday nights at The Venues! Enjoy music, discussions, and snacks!

  2. Faith After Doubt:  Faith After Doubt (Deconstruction) is an 4-week discussion connection group based on the book Faith After Doubt by Brian McLaren. Join other fellow travelers in discussing the developmental process of faith development.